# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.00 header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} gridx 5 gridy 5 snap 3 Function {make_window()} {open } { Fl_Window mainwin { label elcamw open xywh {120 280 171 229} labelsize 10 resizable visible } { Fl_Button btn_exit { label Exit callback cb_btn_exit xywh {115 5 50 15} labelsize 10 } Fl_Button btn_start { label Start callback cb_btn_start xywh {5 5 50 15} labelsize 10 } Fl_Light_Button btn_stop { label Stop callback cb_btn_stop xywh {60 5 50 15} type Normal labelsize 10 } Fl_Light_Button btn_realview { label Real callback cb_btn_realview xywh {60 170 50 15} type Normal labelsize 10 align 16 } Fl_Button btn_cfg { label Config callback cb_btn_cfg xywh {115 190 50 35} labelsize 10 } Fl_Light_Button btn_showcross { label Koor callback cb_btn_showcross xywh {115 170 50 15} type Normal labelsize 10 align 16 } Fl_Light_Button btn_snap { label Snap callback cb_btn_snap xywh {5 190 50 15} type Normal labelsize 10 align 16 } Fl_Light_Button btn_view { label View callback cb_btn_view xywh {5 170 50 15} type Normal labelsize 10 align 16 resizable } Fl_Light_Button btn_control { label {Ctrl.} callback cb_btn_control xywh {60 190 50 15} type Normal labelsize 10 align 16 } Fl_Value_Output txt_mincol { label min xywh {25 210 30 15} labelsize 10 maximum 255 textsize 10 } Fl_Value_Output txt_maxcol { label max xywh {80 210 30 15} labelsize 10 maximum 255 textsize 10 } } Fl_Window cfgwin { label {elcamw config} open xywh {357 266 269 235} labelsize 10 visible } { Fl_Input in_calcstart { label {Nr. of pictures to get, before test. ( 3-255)} xywh {5 5 35 20} labelsize 10 align 8 when 0 textsize 10 } Fl_Input in_coltolerance { label {Add. accepted range of brightness (0-255)} xywh {5 30 35 20} labelsize 10 align 8 when 0 textsize 10 } Fl_Button btn_cfg_quit { label Quit callback cb_btn_cfg_quit xywh {5 210 260 20} labelsize 10 } Fl_Input in_seeing { label {Seeing ( 0 - 19 pixel, where 0 is best )} xywh {5 55 35 20} labelsize 10 align 8 when 0 textsize 10 } Fl_Input in_snapprefix { label {Prefix for numerated pictures to snap} xywh {5 90 260 20} labelsize 10 align 5 when 0 textsize 10 } Fl_Input in_maxsnap { label {Number of max. pictures to snap, 0 - unlimited.} xywh {5 155 95 20} labelsize 10 align 5 when 0 textsize 10 } Fl_Input in_snapquality { label {% Quality} xywh {110 155 35 20} labelsize 10 align 8 when 0 textsize 10 } Fl_Choice ch_snapsize { label {Size of snapped pictures} open xywh {5 120 120 20} labelsize 10 align 8 when 0 textsize 10 } {} Fl_Light_Button btn_fruse { label Fieldrotator xywh {5 180 95 20} type Normal labelsize 10 } Fl_Check_Button btn_frleft { label Left xywh {110 180 35 20} type Normal down_box DIAMOND_DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 } Fl_Light_Button btn_guide { label Autoguide selected xywh {170 180 95 20} type Normal labelsize 10 } } }